Get Involved

Support your local Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame Conservative EDA. Our success depends on dedicated and talented individuals like you. Every donation, volunteer hour and membership will help us win the next election! Your support is greatly appreciated.

​Make a Donation

Your donation here will be greatly appreciated, as it will go directly to help our association elect a Conservative Member of Parliament to represent our riding! No donation is too small!!


Volunteer Today

Join our Conservative family and get involved in the community. We need volunteers to run a successful campaign. Sign up the and we will contact you directly to discuss the opportunities to get involved.


Request a Lawn Sign

Support Clifford's campaign and the Conservative Party of Canada by requesting a lawn sign.


Pledge Your Support

Pledge you are voting for Clifford and the Conservative Party of Canada in the next election.


Become a Member / Renew

Become a member of the Conservative Party of Canada and your local EDA. You will have access to member only events, be able to run for the EDA Board and attend Party Convensions. You can also use the link below to renew your membership.


Thank you for your consideration and support!

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